Boots and Rico

Boots and Rico
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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Graduation Day

Sup, dudes? Jax here. I've got big news! I grad-yoo-ated last week!!
showing mommy my sits
It was a pretty big deal. I've been going to the schools for almost two months now. My lady's name was Jessi and she taught me lots of ways to get "good boys". I did watch me, sit, down, stay, come, drop it, leave it, take it, walking nicely on the leash, and so much more! 
I graduated?! No way! 
Sit is the easiest. I just put my hiney on the ground and I get lots of good boys and treets! Leave it is SOO hard! My mommy drops delicious noms on the floor or holds them RIGHT in front of me and I'm not allowed to eat it! OMG it's torture. I do it though, because Jessi and my mommy make suchhh a big deal about it when I leave the noms alone, and then I get lots of pets and kisses AND I get a nom for leaving it! It's a pretty good deal.

My friend Brinkley was there as well. She graduated too, can you believe it?! Actually, all of us graduated. It was pretty exciting!  We all got da-ploh-mas (my mommy was so proud!) and a bag of yummy noms. We didn't get to keep the hat, but I really didn't like it anyway. I only sat so nicely with it because my lady Jessi held a nom up and I knew I'd get it if I did my sits nicely.
Our da-ploh-mas! 
Take my picture - I'm beautiful!
All this graduating is exhausting!
Anyway, my sister Maddie Poops is taunting me. She has Ellie the Elephant by the head and keeps walking right by me. She's such a tease... RIGHT?! It's time to go show her who's boss! Later, dudes!

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