Alright, let's give this another shot. I was tagged on Instagram (@boots_and_rico) by Emily and Alden to share 20 things about myself and my doggies. I wrote this bigggg long list, ON MY PHONE, and submitted it and.... nothing. Wouldn't post. And of course I hadn't saved this list so I have to start over. I noticed Miranda was going to reply to this on her blog ( and I thought that was a great idea, as I'm WAY behind on posting. So without further ado, I'll try this again....
1) I am 26 years old (27 in June) and I already feel really old, even though I know people hate when I say that.
2) I am a 6th grade special education teacher and I love it more than I ever thought I would. I originally didn't want to teach special education, and didn't want to go above 3rd grade. After subbing in special ed classes, I realized I loved it and went back for my special ed certificate. I got placed in 5th grade and LOVED it before eventually moving to the middle school. Another place I didn't think I'd end up, but I feel at home there.
3) I just recently started blogging, and can't believe how happy it makes me to share stories about my babies (Maddie, Jax, Zoey and Brooklynn) and other dogs, even though I can't seem to keep on a good schedule of posting.
4) I have taken more photography courses than I can even comprehend right now, and have been snapping photos of all the dogs I can, in the hopes of becoming a pet photographer and working with shelters to help their dogs, especially pitties, get adopted. I admire photographers like Joesph Frazz who are so talented in their field.
5) I don't think I will ever not be in school, even though I generally hate taking them (at the time) even when I love the course content. I graduated from Quinnipiac University in CT, but stayed for graduate school. I moved home to NJ and went to graduate school again for my special ed certificate. Since then I've taken course after course online at TCNJ to learn more and improve myself as a teacher. It's really hard when you're working full-time, tutoring once/week, taking photography courses, and have 2 dogs, which is why I generally hate it, but I know it's good for my career and my brain.
6) Madison was returned once (or twice, I couldn't get a straight answer) before I adopted her when she was 4 months old, on October 14, 2012 (yes, I remember the exact date).
7) Madison is my first true dog, not a family dog, and I love her more than I could have ever imagined. I believe she truly knows I "rescued" her and she has shown me her thanks and love every single minute of every single day since.
8) Madison's foster mommy contacted me a few months after I adopted her and it has been the best experience. Chris is an amazing woman who, with her husband, fosters puppies at all times, giving them amazing starts, and then finds them great rescues to go to in order to find their forever home. I so love sharing Madison's adventures and pictures with Chris,a and love that I got to see pictures of Madison as a puppy, which I never thought I would.
9) Madison's birthday is the day before mine (another tidbit I got from Chris) - I'm June 14 and she's June 13.
10) I live with my boyfriend Jordan. We've lived together for one year before moving out of our first apartment, and we are now looking for our perfect home to grow into. We've been dating for 2 1/2 years.
11) Jordan works in TV Broadcasting at all different sports agencies (CBS sports, MLB Network, MSG, etc) and our schedules are pretty much exact opposites which SUCKS for us, but is great for the dogs (there's usually always someone home).
12) I so badly wanted to adopt Emily's (@loveisapittie on Instagram) foster Jada, and was wearing Jordan thin begging him. That is what led to him surprising me on our 2-year anniversary with dog toys and more dog food bowls to tell me we could get a second dog. Sadly but definitely understandably, he wanted to meet the pup before adopting one, so we obviously didn't get Jada. (But don't worry - she had her own happy ending!)
13) We found out about ARF of Mercer online and drove to South Jersey to a farm to look at liters of puppies with Maddie, which is where we found Jax (then Buster).
14) Jax came from Puerto Rico. The amazing women of ARF of Mercer make trips to Puerto Rico to rescue stray dogs. When we saw Jax, he was with his brother Toby and sister Sheila. They were estimated to be about 3 months of age.
15) The reason I wanted a second dog (right away, as opposed to once we got out of the apartment and into a house) was for Madison. I took her to the dog park almost every day after work but she still had so much energy and just lovedddd playing with other dogs.
16) As much as Madison loves playing with other dogs, once I start throwing the ball for her, she won't give them another glance. Maddie could (and has) chased balls for hours, without getting tired. Or with getting tired, but still wanting to play.
17) Jax loves Madison with all his little heart, and Maddie loves him back.
18) Jax has become such a mama's boy, and I think he may have separation anxiety from me, which I'm hoping explains why he chews on EVERYTHING when I'm not home (Jordan's video game controller, Jordan's mouse, the "love booklet" I made for Jordan for our anniversary, etc) which prompted me to crate him whenever we're not home. Also could have something to do with the move...
19) I truly wonder if Jax has some sort of oral fixation. When he's outside (or inside, as you saw) he will eat ANY and EVERY thing he sees - sticks, grass, weeds, pebbles, mulch, plants, etc.
20) I want a third dog, once we get a house and get settled, but I want him/her to be a foster dog, preferably a pittie or pittie mix. I love the idea of always having a third dog in the house, socializing the foster, as well as Maddie and Jax with dogs, and helping dogs to get out of the shelters and into a forever home.
That's about all for now! If you have any questions or want to know anything else about us - leave it in the comment section :)
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Things I Love: Dogs & Books
Anyone who can see knows I love dogs (if that isn't the understatement of the year...), and anyone who knows me personally knows I love to read. I was that girl who would get yelled at for staying up past her bedtime, because I was under the covers with a flashlight and a book, unable to put the book down.
My favorite book I've ever read that was about a dog, is The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. It had the point of view from the dog, Enzo, and was funny, sad, and happy all at once. I read it in one day, and was obsessed with finding other books like it.
I never did find one I loved as much as that book, but I have found others that I love, having to do with dogs. I thought I'd share some of my favorites, in the hopes that others will read and love them as much as I have. If you have any books about dogs that you love, please share them in the comments, below :)
A Dog's Purpose by Bruce Cameron
A Dog's Journey by Bruce Cameron
The Dogs Of Christmas by Bruce Cameron
Pure Joy: The Dogs We Love by Danielle Steel
My favorite book I've ever read that was about a dog, is The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. It had the point of view from the dog, Enzo, and was funny, sad, and happy all at once. I read it in one day, and was obsessed with finding other books like it.
I never did find one I loved as much as that book, but I have found others that I love, having to do with dogs. I thought I'd share some of my favorites, in the hopes that others will read and love them as much as I have. If you have any books about dogs that you love, please share them in the comments, below :)
A Dog's Purpose by Bruce Cameron
A Dog's Journey by Bruce Cameron
The Dogs Of Christmas by Bruce Cameron
Pure Joy: The Dogs We Love by Danielle Steel
When Curiosity Got the Best of Me...
Adopting Madison from Eleventh Hour Rescue of NJ, I knew she was a black lab mix, but that was it. She was 4 months old when I adopted her, and when I saw her running around our big yard the first few times, I told my dad, "she has boxer in her, look at the way she runs". She was also very paw-y, meaning she was constantly giving us high-fives and playing paws-first, which also made me think boxer. My dad was convinced I was wrong.
Cut to 6 months later when we had moved out of my parents and into an apartment with my boyfriend. Going from a big house with two other dogs and her own yard (although not fenced in) to a one-bedroom apartment, no other dogs, and with an elevator to go down every time she has to go out, I felt guilty as sin. Luckily, within 5 miles from us was a dog park, and I began taking Madison there almost every day after work (both of our first times at a dog park!). Madison had a blast, (although I had to wait to throw the ball for her, because once I did she wouldn't even look at another dog). Madison would get complimented daily, for her beautiful black coat, her white paws and white chest. It was always followed up with "what is she?" and I could only say, "she's a rescue, so all I know is black lab mix".
To be honest, I also thought she was part pittie, which I was very excited at the thought of, as I'd recently started learning more about pits and the terrible rap they are given, and so badly wanted to rescue one. Yet I wouldn't say this, because 1) my apartment didn't allow pits (don't even get me started), and 2) uneducated dog owners at the park might treat her differently if they thought she had pit in her.
After a month or two being asked what Maddie is, curiosity got the best of me and I went online to order a DNA test. Luckily, the Wisdom Panel DNA I ordered from Amazon for around 60 bucks ended up being a great choice, as I later found out their results are so accurate they are used in court cases. Madison came back as, ready for it? .... *drum roll* .... half labrador (duh) and half boxer & miniature long-haired dachshund (& some other mix).
My thoughts? First, disappointment that she wasn't part pittie. Second: excitement to rub it in my dad's face that I was right about the boxer. Third: bewilderment that she had a mini dachshund in her... what the?! After I digested it and thought about it, it actually made sense. Madison grew out long before she grew up, and she was uncharacteristically long, especially when she stretched out! I had a hard time buying clothes for her (yes, I'm that type of dog owner), because if it fit her body, it never came close to her butt.
I had been begging Jordan for a second dog for awhile before he surprised me on our 2-year anniversary with a food/water bowl and dog toys. The next week, we set out to find a puppy to add to our family, and especially for Madison who still had a lot of energy and needed a friend to play with every day. It didn't look like it was going to happen for awhile, but eventually we found Jax (then named Buster) at a farm in South Jersey through ARF of Mercer.
We found out when we got there that these awesome women travel to Puerto Rico to rescue dogs and bring them back to America to find good homes for them. We knew that Jax was a mutt - he was on the street when rescued with other pups from his liter - but didn't even have a guess as to what breeds. From his ears that stood on end and the overall look of his face, Jordan and I, and everyone we talked to, guessed some sort of Shepard. (Did anyone else think that??)
When I brought Jax to the vet for his puppy shots, they asked if I wanted to do a DNA test. I said I was going to order from Wisdom Panel to do that, as I had my first dog, when I found out that was actually the company they used as well. Rather than using a couple swabs to get the DNA from inside Jax's mouth, as I had done for Madison, they took blood from him.
A few weeks went by, and the results were in. Hold your breath .... Jax had no Shepard in him. The results said he was half American Staffordshire Terrier (& some other mix) and half Lhasa Apso & Shiba Inu (& some other mix). When they have "other mix" listed, it is because the DNA goes too far past in generations (past grandparents), and they aren't able to say with exact certainty what the mix is. However, they give you a list of breeds that it could be, and the first one on Jax's list was Catahoula Leopard, which definitely makes sense when looking at his coat.
I was definitely surprised that he had no Shepard in him, but also very happy he was part pittie! I had helped save a pittie mix! Again came the bewilderment with Lhasa Apso and Shiba Inu. His fur is very very soft, so I kind of understand the Shiba Inu, but the Lhasa Apso just doesn't make sense to me - I just don't see it.
If you have rescued a pup and curiosity got the best of you and you did a DNA test on him or her, leave a comment and let me know what you thought your dog was, and what the results came back as! :)
Cut to 6 months later when we had moved out of my parents and into an apartment with my boyfriend. Going from a big house with two other dogs and her own yard (although not fenced in) to a one-bedroom apartment, no other dogs, and with an elevator to go down every time she has to go out, I felt guilty as sin. Luckily, within 5 miles from us was a dog park, and I began taking Madison there almost every day after work (both of our first times at a dog park!). Madison had a blast, (although I had to wait to throw the ball for her, because once I did she wouldn't even look at another dog). Madison would get complimented daily, for her beautiful black coat, her white paws and white chest. It was always followed up with "what is she?" and I could only say, "she's a rescue, so all I know is black lab mix".
To be honest, I also thought she was part pittie, which I was very excited at the thought of, as I'd recently started learning more about pits and the terrible rap they are given, and so badly wanted to rescue one. Yet I wouldn't say this, because 1) my apartment didn't allow pits (don't even get me started), and 2) uneducated dog owners at the park might treat her differently if they thought she had pit in her.
After a month or two being asked what Maddie is, curiosity got the best of me and I went online to order a DNA test. Luckily, the Wisdom Panel DNA I ordered from Amazon for around 60 bucks ended up being a great choice, as I later found out their results are so accurate they are used in court cases. Madison came back as, ready for it? .... *drum roll* .... half labrador (duh) and half boxer & miniature long-haired dachshund (& some other mix).
My thoughts? First, disappointment that she wasn't part pittie. Second: excitement to rub it in my dad's face that I was right about the boxer. Third: bewilderment that she had a mini dachshund in her... what the?! After I digested it and thought about it, it actually made sense. Madison grew out long before she grew up, and she was uncharacteristically long, especially when she stretched out! I had a hard time buying clothes for her (yes, I'm that type of dog owner), because if it fit her body, it never came close to her butt.
I had been begging Jordan for a second dog for awhile before he surprised me on our 2-year anniversary with a food/water bowl and dog toys. The next week, we set out to find a puppy to add to our family, and especially for Madison who still had a lot of energy and needed a friend to play with every day. It didn't look like it was going to happen for awhile, but eventually we found Jax (then named Buster) at a farm in South Jersey through ARF of Mercer.
We found out when we got there that these awesome women travel to Puerto Rico to rescue dogs and bring them back to America to find good homes for them. We knew that Jax was a mutt - he was on the street when rescued with other pups from his liter - but didn't even have a guess as to what breeds. From his ears that stood on end and the overall look of his face, Jordan and I, and everyone we talked to, guessed some sort of Shepard. (Did anyone else think that??)
When I brought Jax to the vet for his puppy shots, they asked if I wanted to do a DNA test. I said I was going to order from Wisdom Panel to do that, as I had my first dog, when I found out that was actually the company they used as well. Rather than using a couple swabs to get the DNA from inside Jax's mouth, as I had done for Madison, they took blood from him.
A few weeks went by, and the results were in. Hold your breath .... Jax had no Shepard in him. The results said he was half American Staffordshire Terrier (& some other mix) and half Lhasa Apso & Shiba Inu (& some other mix). When they have "other mix" listed, it is because the DNA goes too far past in generations (past grandparents), and they aren't able to say with exact certainty what the mix is. However, they give you a list of breeds that it could be, and the first one on Jax's list was Catahoula Leopard, which definitely makes sense when looking at his coat.
I was definitely surprised that he had no Shepard in him, but also very happy he was part pittie! I had helped save a pittie mix! Again came the bewilderment with Lhasa Apso and Shiba Inu. His fur is very very soft, so I kind of understand the Shiba Inu, but the Lhasa Apso just doesn't make sense to me - I just don't see it.
If you have rescued a pup and curiosity got the best of you and you did a DNA test on him or her, leave a comment and let me know what you thought your dog was, and what the results came back as! :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Any Guesses?
New post (this week) will be on the results of the Wisdom Panel DNA I tested both Madison and Jax with. Before I write it, I am interested to see what guesses are out there. If you already know, please don't comment, but if you don't know, take a guess! Post in the comment box below :)
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"I'll be on the look-out, Mommy!" |
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"Is this a good pose?" |
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"Being this cute gets exhausting!" |
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Mommy, could I get any cuter? |
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
""Our Own Yard?! Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy!"
This is a post between posts. Jordan, Maddie, Jax and I recently moved from our apartment (that I hated thanks to a miserable-of-a-human-being downstairs neighbor that we lovingly referred to as Esther because she was at least 80 years old) into a new apartment. It's only temporary, as we continue our search for our perfect first house, but moving is moving!
We spent Saturday and Sunday packing and moving, during which Madison was acting really funny. The best way to describe it is to simply say she was not herself - she was sulky, sad, and just moping around all day as my mom and I packed away boxes and boxes of Jordan and I's belongings. I think the poor girl thought we were leaving her. Over my dead body! Whatever it was, she couldn't be happier now!! Maddie and Jax are LOVING the new place - hardwood floors for them to run and slide around on, two doggies to play with upstairs, and a big sliding door they can sunbathe next to, or even OPEN UP to run around in their very own yard!!! Fenced-in and everything so Mom doesn't have to keep them on leashes! Needless to say, every look they give me seems to be saying "Thanks, Mom, we love it here!"
That's all for now. I took some quick photos of our new place for your enjoyment (taken with my Galaxy, not Nikon, so please excuse the quality). Keep checking back (or subscribe to get emails when a new post is published!) for new posts on:
- my favorite dog books
- a very sweet essay the girl I tutor wrote about rescue dogs
- Mocha Chino - a loveable adoptable dog from EHR (view her Facebook page here in the meantime)
- the results from the Wisdom Panel DNA tests I had done on Madison and Jax
- Jax and the story of the Hole in the Carpet
- and more.... if you have any suggestions or want to hear about something in particular, please share in the comment section, below! :)
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Maddie and Jax's favorite spot! |
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"Kitchen area" plus do you SEE that walk-in closet?! |
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Living Room |
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Our gawwwwwgeous kitchen! |
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Our "work area" which obviously is within view of our big screen ;-) |
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The doggy's area (for now, I need to make it look prettier) *picture frame says "True Love" and has a dog licking it's human* |
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"Exercise room"? (Whatever, it counts) |
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Madison made herself right at home :) |
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"Where do you think you're going?!" |
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"All this excitement is making me tired!" |
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"Our own yard?! We love it!!" |
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