This is a post between posts. Jordan, Maddie, Jax and I recently moved from our apartment (that I hated thanks to a miserable-of-a-human-being downstairs neighbor that we lovingly referred to as Esther because she was at least 80 years old) into a new apartment. It's only temporary, as we continue our search for our perfect first house, but moving is moving!
We spent Saturday and Sunday packing and moving, during which Madison was acting really funny. The best way to describe it is to simply say she was not herself - she was sulky, sad, and just moping around all day as my mom and I packed away boxes and boxes of Jordan and I's belongings. I think the poor girl thought we were leaving her. Over my dead body! Whatever it was, she couldn't be happier now!! Maddie and Jax are LOVING the new place - hardwood floors for them to run and slide around on, two doggies to play with upstairs, and a big sliding door they can sunbathe next to, or even OPEN UP to run around in their very own yard!!! Fenced-in and everything so Mom doesn't have to keep them on leashes! Needless to say, every look they give me seems to be saying "Thanks, Mom, we love it here!"
That's all for now. I took some quick photos of our new place for your enjoyment (taken with my Galaxy, not Nikon, so please excuse the quality). Keep checking back (or subscribe to get emails when a new post is published!) for new posts on:
- my favorite dog books
- a very sweet essay the girl I tutor wrote about rescue dogs
- Mocha Chino - a loveable adoptable dog from EHR (view her Facebook page here in the meantime)
- the results from the Wisdom Panel DNA tests I had done on Madison and Jax
- Jax and the story of the Hole in the Carpet
- and more.... if you have any suggestions or want to hear about something in particular, please share in the comment section, below! :)
good-bye, old apartment! (suck it, Esther!)
Madison looking stoic in her pink camo sweatshirt in "her" new bedroom (yes that's dog clothes I have hanging on my mirror, and yes they could probably fit a small child) |
Maddie and Jax's favorite spot! |
"Kitchen area" plus do you SEE that walk-in closet?! |
Living Room |
Our gawwwwwgeous kitchen! |
Our "work area" which obviously is within view of our big screen ;-) |
The doggy's area (for now, I need to make it look prettier)
*picture frame says "True Love" and has a dog licking it's human* |
"Exercise room"? (Whatever, it counts) |
Madison made herself right at home :) |
"Where do you think you're going?!" |
"All this excitement is making me tired!" |
"Our own yard?! We love it!!"
Entry way :)
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